Yeah, I really killed the mood this time. Because of my busy, scrooge-ish ways I wasn't able to make something for NG to best suit the season. Now New Years is just around the corner and I'm putting this up.
Do you know how horrible it is to have people see something of 2009 at the eve of New Years day? Its like calling your EX-girlfriend up to wish her a happy New Years. So yeah, due to the fact that I am such a person to do stupid and hurtful, self-destructing things like that I will still honor, none the less, what came to pass for the sake of 2009 no matter how hurtful things may seem. Yeah, I've been hurting emotionally this year, but I'll be healing all next year.
Anyrate, heres for Newgrounds. People in the Pic:
SpikeValentine, Rhay-Tatsuki, Skaijo, Egoraptor, Michael Swain(blockhead), Alien Hominid (DanPaladin), and Me (Omar). Merry Christmas you filthy animals, and a Happy New Years.
That's such an awesome picture! :D
i really like how you show the emotion on the peoplez faces...
i really wanted to draw a holiday picture, but sadly... i couldn't... i didn't have enough time. Now here i am in Aruba seeing hot guys in speados... and not being able to touch them.... that totally sounded wrong. Anyways! This picture turned out good!
if i was able to vote on it... 5/5 10/10
TheManofSteal13 (Updated )
Hehe, Thanks Sorrygirl. I made this at the spur of the moment, having to draw whomever I have trouble drawing the most. I'm also glad to hear you're having a hot wonderful time. Sounds like a dream vacation that any girl would want.. ;)
But please stay tuned for the last page. I'm working as hard as I could in fitting everyone in it and it will be up before New Years.