Say!! I be dat artist.. Important Notice: If you have a problem with me please write it nicely on a piece of paper, put it in an envelope, fold it up and shove it up your ass.

Omar @TheManofSteal13




Kenner Bruh, LA

Joined on 5/10/07

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TheManofSteal13's News

Posted by TheManofSteal13 - October 29th, 2024

We have a winner for the art giveaway! Thank you all who participated! If you like to see more check out https://www.facebook.com/OmarDuMonster/


Posted by TheManofSteal13 - October 25th, 2024

I have not done updates in here in a while, but there has been some new stuff in the works that's worth announcing! So first I would like to announce one of my biggest openings online! Prints of my art are now available for purchase with more new stuff coming pretty soon! So in lieu of this opening I will be celebrating it with an art print giveaway!


A bit of a story on this piece that I am giving away:

Painted and illustrated with different mediums, this piece draws inspiration from a few artist works, game/ movie media, and literature. This depicts a player character created for a D&D campaign I myself participated in who was one of 6 essential characters in the story. She is the reluctant elven princess, Nadia, the youngest of two sisters who hails in a kingdom far to the north. After the exile of her older sister Nadia's role in court was to play the part as a pawn which she was later in danger of close assassination attempts until she fled her home. Thanks to the lives of her royal guards she was able to safely meet with the party to fulfill a much bigger role. Help saving the land from total destruction.

Personally, capturing her innocence in a visage of a young lady was very difficult at the time as I was trying to capture her serene other-worldly beauty onto paper. This is perhaps the closest I have gotten to depicting how she really look like with the use of various descriptions and visual aid.

For those who are interested in entering to win their very own metal print of this piece you can find more here! >> https://www.odmcreations.com/new-website-giveaway

I wish you all the best and good luck!


Posted by TheManofSteal13 - November 19th, 2022

Hello again NG! Since the community was so responsive for casting roles in voice talent, I decided to give the animators a try in working either with me on Wizards Quest or a friend of mine who has written a script for an animated series for his dark sci-fi story. We’re both offering a spot for their names to be on the credits, but for me pay is not out of the question.

For my project, the animation runtime I’m looking for will just be short and sweet. An opening animation for my fantasy rpg Wizard’s Quest: The Lost Dragon Chronicles! Please have a portfolio or demo ready and send me a message if anyone is interested!


Posted by TheManofSteal13 - June 22nd, 2021

I want to say thank you to all who have reached out to lend their voices to help. To be honest I didn't think so many would come out to offer their voice-over services, but many of you did. Newgrounds has truly grown to be a community of creators since the last time I've been on. From the bottom of my heart thank you! The roles have now all been filled, but I still await to see how things are going so please stay tuned for more news. I will have more opportunities like this in the near future.


Posted by TheManofSteal13 - June 21st, 2021

So it comes to this because the project's is near completion and I am needing help to finish it. Wizard's Quest is completed for the most part, but this update is going to be a chance to complete the game even further as I am adding english dub to the dialogue to the cutscenes of the game and hopefully a short animated intro.

For the english dub I need 4 volunteers that would be willing to voice certain important characters in the game the list are as follows:

  • Asher, Paladin. One of the main characters, main script. More info later..
  • Lilliana, cleric priestess. One of the main characters, main script
  • Weapon Shop Keeper, male. Phrases, one-liners
  • Beast King, side character. Main script

Those who are interested and are selected you will have credit and compensation. Money is not an issue for me, but at this moment I am on a budget so I am willing to pay for voice acting services if you're willing to work with me. I will also grant a free copy of both the full game and the full soundtrack to those who contributes to this project so please let me know if you would also like to have them. Here is a link that will take you to my blog about this well...announcement?

Please PM me or contact me via email if you're interested and can make time to produce recordings for this project. I have considered making the demo in browser game format for Newgrounds, but it's not a guarantee. We shall see once the game is completed. Thank you guys for reading and please check out my blog to stay up to date with more news.


Posted by TheManofSteal13 - August 7th, 2020

So the time has come to begin your quest! Yes, the full game has finally launched and is now available on GameJolt!! Some bit of news before I hearken the perils of your journey..


Along with the full game the Soundtrack will also be available for purchase, but there will already have a sound test in the game to listen to the music so if you don’t feel like spending extra bucks in getting the soundtrack. Who wouldn’t buy the soundtrack though? The music is so awesome!

Since there’s been a lot of work being put into this release there won’t be any patch updates until the Steam release is complete. Yes, there is indeed a Steam release for Wizard’s Quest. However, because releasing games is such a huge undertaking in having to have 100 bucks for whatever little thing you put on Steam and THEN set up your own shop from scratch it’s such a pain for those who are just starting off much less someone who doesn’t completely have a full grasp how coding works, but don’t worry my adventurers, if RPGmaker has taught me anything it’s coding until it works. The Steam Demo release will be on August 21st and then the full game will most likely see Steam release on September 1st. “But aren’t you getting paid from work?” Why yes! Yes I am! ..But just like everyone else I have to keep the lights on and the hot water running so I don’t have loose change to be throwing around. Besides, I’m saving money on the side too.

So in case you all haven’t seen the page you can find the full game available here. There’s a 20 percent discount for it’s special release sale so you can get a good deal on the game, so if you snag a copy you will get all the patch updates to go along with it that would add like…a three dollar value to the game for the price of 4 bucks? That’s a good deal don’t you think?

I’m putting so much investment in this release I have to announce this release as many network media as I can. It is pretty rough on me yes, I have been working my butt off for money and doing this along with some life stuff. In any case, if you all would like to help spread the word and tell everyone the good news please do follow and share in any social media you like! I want as many people as possible to take advantage on this While the discount is going hot! So the discount will only last until the end of August.

“Will there be other deals for Wizard’s Quest in the future?” Well remember when I said it will also be available on GOG and Humble Bundle? So yes! Of course! There will be some nice deals in the future so don’t worry, you will get every bit of enjoyment from the purchase itself down to the gameplay. It’s a game that will keep on giving so hopefully it will give the joy and inspiration us gamers look for in a video game.


Posted by TheManofSteal13 - July 28th, 2020

August is just around the corner, but so is this sweet new game! That's right, Wizard's Quest is finally going to be out in August 2020. For all who are interested in playing a fantasy anime rpg that is short and sweet check out the announcement trailer which is now available here and on YouTube!

Learn more or get the latest updates here on Wizard's Quest Blog or visit our Discord to chat with me and a few others who helped made this game possible!

If you would like to download a free demo of the PC version please visit here. This game will be available for PC on Gamejolt and Steam followed by GOG and Humble Bundle.


Posted by TheManofSteal13 - May 12th, 2020

It's been a long time since my last entry on Wizard's Quest and progress has come a long way which means that it's finally going to be completed. Quite a bit has been going on as well, but at least we can say that the game will have a release date this year. Newgrounds and Gamejolt doesn't get a lot of updates, but I'm copying them onto here since it's about time I tell everyone what's up.

Since I have finally solved the problem with the error, I am now just cleaning it up to get it ready to have it up for sale. I am going to be working on the teaser and Trailer videos so keep a lookout for those as well. I have not been in the best of moods lately as one of my work associates have passed away recently. I don’t want to say much more about it, because well..It’s still kinda sudden and a bit too soon to say more. I do have to say that he has helped me put my art in a good light so I give my biggest thanks to my good friend Vincent Piazza for advocating and working with the artists of New Orleans! For those who are interested in seeing some good art I would invite you all to check out the Abled Art Foundation. You’ll be able to see the artworks of myself as well as many others and there is a shop where you can purchase original pieces, though I do believe there will be prints available as well sometime soon.

Here’s the link to the Facebook page. You can find their website on the page with email and phone number provided for more info.

I know I may have done this shout out in the last update, but Dinnick the 3rd will be providing music once more for Wizard’s Quest. You can check out his stuff on YouTube or click on his name to see where else you can find him and his awesome works. You all might know him as Wolfrain64, so you may even check out his stuff here on Newgrounds.

The Games release will be somewhere around the end of June I think. I’m not sure if I want to decide on July since I am still trying to figure out if my travel plans have changed or not, but if the game doesn’t release around then I will be announcing a new release date sometime in August. I guess we’ll play it by ear. I still have a lot to do like….marketing, extra content, game patches, and more goodies for people to enjoy that will be included along with the release of the game. This not all of what I wanted to announce in this update, but I’m feeling really drained and..tired? Ahh, well. who needs the right word for it anyway.

Once the game goes up on Gamejolt I will be looking to make it available for Steam followed by the Switch. It won’t be anything major as of yet. It’ll simply be a little game you can get in the Nintendo E-shop. I don’t imagine costing a whole lot either since it’s relatively a short game. The aim for it’s quality and gameplay is short and sweet, but expect some nice replay value in there as it has tid bits of secrets in there.

I may or may not do another update after this one, but I do plan to include new pages into this blog which will give you all more valuable information about the game and will tell a little bit about myself. So keep an eye our for that very soon and remember to stay safe, keep your hands clean, and stay indoors when you can.


Posted by TheManofSteal13 - August 24th, 2017

I know I have not keeping up with the updates on my gallery profile pages, but the word have been out. That’s right, this is a more updated version of the free demo Wizard's Quest is finally here. The following things have been included:

-  The transition black-out bug fix when entering the Forest of Doom.
-  Additional trees in the 1st forest cut-scene for screen accuracy.
-  Floor Panel change for the Inn’s 2nd floor.
-  The text color for the diary text scroll is now pink.
-  New “Easter Egg”! Close the middle curtain and the screen dims when you read the diary.

So once again check out the demo on GameJolt if you haven’t tried it already or you want to try out these new features. It’s free to download! https://gamejolt.com/games/Wizards-Quest/245833

Also I will like to also include here our August Update. I am undergoing some life’s hardships as my family struggling with 2 of my relatives who are undergoing some medical attention and so my progress for this and other projects have been slowed down lately. With sleep hitting me on and off and family obligations it’s been very tough to continue with the updates and the actual game may need more time if I am to include a New Game + feature, the release date will be pushed down to perhaps May 2018.

In the mean time, I will soldier through to get you more bonus goodies for your hard earned patience! NPC descriptions are in the works along with original profile art included. I will also be working on some more concept art for the game to be included as well as art for the website. It could use some fresh art around here.

Also for you who are supporting me in Patreon, I will be providing some more exclusive art that you will only see in the main game so stick around and stay tuned for more news and updates!

Posted by TheManofSteal13 - May 18th, 2017

I'm sure I have been falling behind with since a little over a week ago, but now I will give it it's due.

As the month reaches ever towards June I have been working on various bugs and adding additional conent for the game. There will be 3 songs for the boss battles which will be ready in somewhere between mid or the end of June, so expect a delay on the release. As difficult of a time I may be having with trying to make certain things work to include the content, believe me, I am working hard on getting everything in there and making sure they're in working condition...That and numberous amount of breaks.

Also, I would like to add and give a HUGE thank you to Aimee Smith for lending her voice talent for a wonderfully made vocal narrative! You can check out her page and more of her works right here: http://atheatricalsongbird.newgrounds.com/

Stay tuned for more news on Wizard's Quest!