Damn....I have comments on my art when I was away? This is a surprise! I haven't been able to finish a single colored picture to put up, but I have made drawings in RIDICULOUS amounts. So, what I'll do since it is Christmas Eve now is bombard you all with gifts...which will be the most awesome and badass art I can muster. Sure, I may lack some color art which may come in scarcity, but I will astonish you with what I have been drawing for the past few months.
On another note, I would like to thankĀ -Tom, Wade, Jim, Rob, Stamper, MindChamber, Jeff, Bob, PsychoGoldfish, Tim and Mike for wishing me a happy birthday. Another year and I'll finally get to have my Mid-life Crisis....yay....
Thank you all for the comments. There will be more art to come soon, I promise.