Remember the entry I've posted about a new game coming to the Horizon? Well, I'm half way there and soon there will be a handful of my buddies pinching in to help out. The Demo will be ready anytime now, but the full version still has a long way to go. This one is going to be pretty big. What's so big about this RPG you ask? Well, it's the exactly the same reason why I'm taking as much time as I can to make this game right. I've noticed there's a lot of creative JRPG games that are very well made and some that are not half bad, so to make this one different is to make it as ridiculous as possible while polishing up the graphics and gameplay as much as I can. I will be talking to a friend soon to so that I may include some metal tracks that may fit for combat sequences. There will be a lot of interactions in the map all throughout so that there will be puzzles, secrets, easter eggs, extra content, and more.
This isn't going to be any different from any other JRPGs out there really, but this will definitely be made into a shinning gem. Since this game may either be super easy or annoyingly hard, I will also look into making a Difficulty option possible.
SO....Right now I had worked out a title for this short RPG game and there will be more news of it soon.