Say!! I be dat artist.. Important Notice: If you have a problem with me please write it nicely on a piece of paper, put it in an envelope, fold it up and shove it up your ass.

Omar @TheManofSteal13




Kenner Bruh, LA

Joined on 5/10/07

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TheManofSteal13's News

Posted by TheManofSteal13 - January 12th, 2010

I'm really steamed up and ready to get things done, but several delays have been keeping me from doing things just right.

For one, my laptop is experiencing terrible lag so my progress and responses will be a bit slow. I really need to boost my mac like insanely much to get it to top capacity and get my trackpad working again. More memory and new battery, the full fix-up there.

I also need to replace my glasses, yes I do where glasses as the comic book may depict in a few issues of ODM. That in turn I also need to get started on school which will start dreadfully soon. I don't have the money what so ever to cover the expenses for my artistic needs because of books and tuition to spend on. I know I have been messy with my work as of late and its because I couldn't see my errors very well. Trust me, visual for an artist is everything and I just began to notice how tough it is with the disadvantage of this difficulty..too MANY words there.

Yeah, the comic does seem to roll as fast as the leaves fall with the time ahead, but I don't like it one bit. Because this point will hit me hard and I have to grind to the teeth in my studies among other things to finish and catch up on. So the most I can do right now is finish all the things that I have already started. I don't mean like long term stuff though (that would be too ridiculous >_>), the things that I have just started and tie alot of loose ends so I can start reeling them in for the big fish....sorry, I get carried away.

I at least need a few weeks to maybe a month to really tie myself together before I can pull up the next adventure of ODM, the grand anime convention, A-kon...fun. Don't worry though, I'll still indulge you with more art. I'll let you know when will be the next hit as soon as I have my guns ready for action. (figure of speech)

Till then

Posted by TheManofSteal13 - December 29th, 2009

Yeah, I really killed the mood this time. Because of my busy, scrooge-ish ways I wasn't able to make something for NG to best suit the season. Now New Years is just around the corner and I'm putting this up.
Do you know how horrible it is to have people see something of 2009 at the eve of New Years day? Its like calling your EX-girlfriend up to wish her a happy New Years. So yeah, due to the fact that I am such a person to do stupid and hurtful, self-destructing things like that I will still honor, none the less, what came to pass for the sake of 2009 no matter how hurtful things may seem. Yeah, I've been hurting emotionally this year, but I'll be healing all next year.

Anyrate, heres for Newgrounds. People in the Pic:

SpikeValentine, Rhay-Tatsuki, Skaijo, Egoraptor, Michael Swain(blockhead), Alien Hominid (DanPaladin), and Me (Omar). Merry Christmas you filthy animals, and a Happy New Years.

Merry belated Christmas!

Posted by TheManofSteal13 - December 12th, 2009

It took me a while to come up with a special thanks post, but this one for those who pull me back up:

I would personally like to give thanks to Ornery for scouting me again, it gave me another chance to come back and put up more of my work. If it weren't for him, Omar Du More would have died on Newgrounds quite early. I also would like to thank Tom for loving and agreeing to the idea of having an issue on Newgrounds. I was the most fitting idea for all of the NG fans.

If I ever decided to scout another good artist, I would do so wisely. Thank you to all you view, Support, and comment my works of art and comics.

Posted by TheManofSteal13 - October 23rd, 2009

Yeah. Its been a dead while, but there will be a new issue of Omar Du More coming up pretty soon.
This one will be about Newgrounds!! ..And Pico will be in it!! ..Aren't you guys excited?!?!

=DAMN you all then!!=

Kidding. Except the Pico part. Yes, Pico will be in it and perhaps other Newgrounds characters as well.
First-more however, I have to ask permission if I'm allowed to make a comic on Newgrounds with these characters. Secondly, I had to see if I am still able to put up more pictures since I have been again..unscouted. I have no idea how limiting being an unscouted artist can be. The last time I had tried to put up another pic, it wouldn't let the pic go through. So as soon as those things are sorted out you will see how chaos ensues in the portal while the defenders of Newgrounds hold out.

That is, if those defenders would help me out with those two things I need to square off.
Don't worry, this issue will definitely happen.

Posted by TheManofSteal13 - August 27th, 2009

As I was going though some of the work I've put up for the Art Portal, there was a really good suggestion RawEmpire made about putting up videos. It was suggested that I should make flash videos on the mini comic, Omar Du More, complete with audio sound effects, and voice overs. That is actually a rather good idea.

I have been fooling around with the thought of some-day making a cartoon/anime series with the 2 page wonder that has been out there only with some local impressions. I have only made a few small time videos on the mini comic, but haven't really worked seriously into it as something big. It would be the greatest thing out there if it was taken to a more serious level. However, complications will involve an impossible range of casts for the roles of voice acting, budget issues, and perhaps work-time complications. I don't even have a crew to help me make that dream come true. However, when I do get quite far out there with my work I will consider developing a series for ODM when the opportunity arises.

I still plan to put up some of my videos here, but I still need a component to convert them to swf. So I'm still working on that. There are other areas you can find me other than newgrounds.
Here are some of the links:



http://z8.invisionfree.com/MoonlitBatt les/index.php?act=idx (official forum for a web-comic, still at work)

http://www.youtube.com/user/OrenRamoMa nuel (where you can see my videos and favorites)

Posted by TheManofSteal13 - August 24th, 2009

As you may already have seen, some of my work were on the Art Portal. I was going good with my art until I was unscouted. It wasn't my fault particularly, I guess the guy that scouted me have gotten dropped somehow or decided to drop me for some reason.

Well, despite my efforts of fishing out attention to put up more work to be able to be scouted I still put up my work for show. It seems hard to get any reviews here at all to say the least. I'd have to throw something really ridiculous (in a good way mind you) to just to get a bite from the viewers. Yeah, its really hard to fish out attention, but thats just what artists do.

I'll eventually put up some slideshows here. I don't think they'll allow AMVs, but I can still put up some slide shows and maybe a small promotional video I made for Omar Du More. I don't even know if anyone here even reads any of my comics because I don't get any comments on them. I do know they're viewing them and thats a good thing I suppose.

Just give me alittle while and I'll see if I can come up with something more.

I lost the arena

Posted by TheManofSteal13 - July 26th, 2009

On here, in this site I have always been on here to comment, rate, play games, and watch flash films for a good while and I had never had the chance or the money to have my hand on animation.

If I did, my stuff would be all over this site. Well, the new art section have been added and then maybe I'll be able to put up some work here now. However, the games and movies are so much that I'm not sure if even the most spectacular art are even commented here. I put up a few more of my work to perhaps put up some comic work for the audiences to read. I'll later will eventually put up music I have made in the audio portal as well. Music based on the epic fantasy comic I have made called Myth.

There are several comic genres I have worked on, the most popular being the comedy, slice of life kind in particular. The oldest one thats been around long enough was Omar Du More, a story about my life retold in a satire fashion. I have 12 issues of these thus far, but each only consists of 2 pages each depending how much content I'm able to fit in them. Some are 3 pages having much to tell.

Another comic that has been a follow up called Epidemic, in which poking the fun of the idea of stereo-types. This is in which a normal kid ride down hill in life to meet with a variety of friends. He is forced to be paired with a certain class of people that others looks down on because of his rebel-like attitude. The ones closest to him are only a few normal yet interesting people that lives down in the south. (me being one of them) I have only done two issues of this comic, but the hilariousness is still there.

So hopefully I'll be able to put up these comics here to share with others.

More than a spectator.