Say!! I be dat artist.. Important Notice: If you have a problem with me please write it nicely on a piece of paper, put it in an envelope, fold it up and shove it up your ass.

Omar @TheManofSteal13




Kenner Bruh, LA

Joined on 5/10/07

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TheManofSteal13's News

Posted by TheManofSteal13 - May 12th, 2014

Well...Hmm, how can I put this..

Sure, its been a another long time since I've got on and although I have been putting up more artwork, mainly drawings, I have ran into a brick wall with technology and have been struggling to keep my commissions afloat. Well, a digital brick wall. In other words, my laptop is down. Since its so heavily outdated I'm looking at having to buy a completely new laptop to be able to work in. The hold-up? This must be a macbook. Yep, why make it harder on myself I know, but I have been able to do alot of things with what I'm familiar with and switching to something like a windows computer which I have not had since the age of 13 will not get me very far. I need the best to do my best if that makes any sense. 

The thought of starting a fundraiser came to mind, but I haven't really publically been that exposed to call out to everyone to help me out with this. So I guess I'll have to find another way. I'm having to limit the amount of commissions I can take in and tighten my budget. My sincere apologies to everyone for being so absent time and time again. Life has been throwing so many things at once to keep me this busy, but now I REALLY have to get busy to save my life. Well....Don't think anyone in NG would read journal entries anymore anyway, Newgrounds is very distracting in other departments of media. Hopefully I might be able to put up something or two before life eats me up again. 

Posted by TheManofSteal13 - December 24th, 2013

Damn....I have comments on my art when I was away? This is a surprise! I haven't been able to finish a single colored picture to put up, but I have made drawings in RIDICULOUS amounts. So, what I'll do since it is Christmas Eve now is bombard you all with gifts...which will be the most awesome and badass art I can muster. Sure, I may lack some color art which may come in scarcity, but I will astonish you with what I have been drawing for the past few months.

On another note, I would like to thank -Tom, Wade, Jim, Rob, Stamper, MindChamber, Jeff, Bob, PsychoGoldfish, Tim and Mike for wishing me a happy birthday. Another year and I'll finally get to have my Mid-life Crisis....yay....

Thank you all for the comments. There will be more art to come soon, I promise.

Posted by TheManofSteal13 - June 12th, 2013

Summer has come and its hot as hell outside, too hot as a matter of fact. I SHOULD be taking this time to catch up with all the art assignments I've put aside for myself. Usually this is where I give myself enough time to finish up, but now my folks are taking that time away because they think I have "nothing else better to do". I'm starting to get fed up with family here always leaving me with obligations to take care of and when they're not I'm too exhausted to do anything.

So I have to say, for me at least, that the Summer of 2013 is a load of SHIT..FUCK you 2013....
Pardon my vulgarity..

At least I don't have to deal with people at day half of the time, so with this I'll get myself together and draw with my boots on. I'm going to push forth the effort to finish what I have in my list as much as I can before July. Then perhaps I'll start a new list for the fall. Whatever I didn't finish will carry over.

I also have to announce, to my inconvenience, that I do not have a way to connect to my scanner. Usually my laptop hooks up directly, but now that everything has been relocated I need to decide how I should connect to the scanner wirelessly. Does anyone have any recommendations for me?

I may get a new one and a new printer eventually, but for now I just need something that will get my art out here for all my viewers. I will let y'all know, either in the art portal or in my journals.

Posted by TheManofSteal13 - April 17th, 2013

For those of you that wonder what I meant by "Cleaning out my portfolio", that means that I have a crap ton of art stuff saved up in my hard drive that I'll be dumping into the art portal. With that meaning that I will be more active again than I have been. I was pretty much dead here because of..well..dealing with life? ..Ironic.

If you don't see my sketches in the art portal, thats because they're sketches which is not allowed in the art portal. Sketches aren't bad, in fact I've made a lot of really awesome sketches which you may not find in display with the other art stuff so please come and check out my sketches in my gallery when you feel like being inspired.

..heh, I don't think I have an attachment for this entry. Oh well, maybe next entry. With all the art I have backed up on file I don't think you'll need to see one here, ey?

Posted by TheManofSteal13 - January 15th, 2013

It has been a very long time since I've been on NG and I have to apologize to everyone for being so absent. I've been going through so much shit, drawing, writing, drawing, writing, paying bills, writing, crafting, and paying bills.

Its been cold and raining all this month, people getting sick, my PS3 keeps shitting out on me, and so I'm being deprived and starved from my all time favorite game Demon's Souls. FUCK.....

.........>H> ...Whhhyyyyyyyyyyyy......me..

Anyrates, I'm now going to listen some 80s music and uploads a shit ton of art to crank back up those old gears and get things rolling. I have a week till school starts back up again, so thats still gives me time and plenty. Hopefully you folks will see more images like this.

Its been a very long time

Posted by TheManofSteal13 - September 15th, 2012

At the moment I'm being clobbered with projects and school assignments, but some of those projects will be on paper and in color. When I do have more to show here they will be in color. I'm still working on my comic parody, but for the moment its in the back-burner till I get a bunch of little things out the way.

Stay cool Newgrounds.

Posted by TheManofSteal13 - May 10th, 2012

FINALLY, I can get into all the things I want because its over! Hopefully..

It was really slow with this Semester, but I finally reached my lucky break.

This Summer I will be catching up on alot of things. I hope my latest art is up to keep you all amused, so now the real Juice.
I will continue to work on Devil Ate Pie. I will get the HD collection pretty soon to use all its gameplay goodness to make a kick-ass comic. Like I have explained before, this will be in black and white. However shots of colors will be displayed in the comic throughout. Think Sin City. I'm working on this by panels so when the next page comes out it will be followed accordingly the week after. This is to warm-up in becoming a real comic book artist. I want to take on a serious project to hone my skills to be ready for the real thing.

According to the game story-line, the comic will only go up to Dante's first battle with Nelo Angelo. After that I'm done and will work on other projects. Don't worry, I won't cut this comic short. I love Devil May Cry way too much.

I will be doing alot of things, but this be the most important one to announce. Ya dig? Till next update.


Posted by TheManofSteal13 - April 18th, 2012

Ok, here's the buzz..

I've having a hard time keeping up with my initial comic due to mainly SCHUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE EEEEEEEEWWLLLLL....
..my studies busting my chops. So I decided to bring back something small. Another mini comic. Since the last time I have done an Omar Du More I think its been like what.......2.....3 years..? ..Well lets just say its been quite a while. So I decided to bring back ODM...sorta. For a while now I have been thinking of a long-going chapter loosely based on Omar Du More, but more in a sense of an animated movie hence the stand alone volume 1. There will not be another volume and anything added. I even have a working title for it, "Mr Omar and the Alternate Universe"-urse,urse,urse..! I'll think of something better later. I'll work on this one page at a time when I do have time for it because time is pretty tight on me, so I'll need an XL to my time. I'll have to get one..at the time store.

See what a lack of sleep does to you? Leaves you delirious. Anyways, I'm not putting down any interests in anything game-wise reserved for the Devil May Cry HD Collection which comes out this week. This is very important to me because not only it'll make up for lost playtime for daddy, but I'm also going to need it as a source reference for the comic parody that I was..WAS working on previously. I'll get back in doing Devil Ate Pie during Summer where it doesn't involve teachers tearing my balls off from different directions. I'll later make a movie style poster, granted if time permits (size M), to display on Facebook and maybe NG..I'll think about it. I will not make this announcement anywhere, but here. So keep this a secret ok?

In the meantime, enjoy this song remix:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZwgB1my5BC4&featu re=BFa&list=PL403D87B4707909D3&lf=plpp_video


Posted by TheManofSteal13 - March 21st, 2012

I've been getting a bunch of weird dreams lately, sometimes crammed in all at once. Some of it is really weird, others are just too awesome to forget. I have to remember the awesome ones.

There's this one in particular I had dreamt about supposed to be comforting, there was a small pouch on the side of my bed. I got up and opened the pouch and there was a liquid with a tea bag in it. For some reason I could hear a female choir of 2 or maybe 3 people singing all at once. The song was very vivid and the lyrics were peaceful. Of course when I woke up in RL the lyrics are hard to remember word for word, but the tune was still playing in my head. This was of course the last part of my dream that I could remember. I tried looking up some audio artists, female singers that could perhaps sing this song. I've written the lyrics as close as I had remembered it. I goes something like this:

Listen to the way,out of your dreams
I'm sure you will remember me
Live another day, don't be so grey
The sky will turn blue again

Time has past through ages, it have left behind the sages
The sun will rise to greet you, on the edge of the sea

Listen to the way, out of your dreams
Here's the chance to seize the day
It takes your breath away, to follow the wind
Your dreams could go on eternally

Its time to see the world, in your hand is a pearl
You will find your freedom, when you listen to the way

Like I said, this is something only a female singer would sing. It wouldn't sound right if a guy sings it, believe me I tried.. I had dreamt of a real cool story for anyone who may be interested in looking for material to do animation with. I've written it down so I may paste it on a new entry.

Anyways, here's another update for art. I'm currently finishing up the sketches for the fan comic parody of Devil May Cry and am now starting on the inking pretty soon. I would do a single page at a time, but I have to do them in parts. So when they're ready, four new pages will be up hopefully. Its looking really good and I'm getting a good feeling the inking will turn out great. I'll be displaying some dark fantasy art on DeviantArt for those of you who are interested. Those will be heavily influenced and inspired by Demon's Souls. Why not Dark Souls as well? Because I haven't gotten it yet, but I will soon. Soon...

Posted by TheManofSteal13 - January 22nd, 2012

I made a working cover for the mini fan-fic parody of Devil May Cry. I'll eventually color this completely, but the pages of the comic itself will be very much like this. I figure if I can give it a Sin City look I can make the images stand out giving it a "stylish" look. Since Capcom made their own version of the font title, which is a combination of Park Avenue and Mistral, I sorta put together the title for its parody as well as throwing in the little pastry girl.

It'll only be several pages and will only make pages that highlight certain points of the game, I might not even go as far as the first Nelo Angelo battle. However there will be cool images like in the cover in there. The idea came from the jokes that me and my friends made when we were in middle school. I had decided to make it a parody after reading gaming magazine with its screenshots and funny dialogues regarding on the newly released game at the time. Friends from high school had also seen it and loved it so much. So in hopes of reviving this I find that such a parody for this video game would be fitting if I make it available in Newgrounds. If I had been able to make a flash animation short, it would've been alot easier and would only take one file to submit. I don't have to program or the know how for it though, so I stick with doing what I know best for now. I'll be working on it this month. I hope to release the first page or so sometime in February if possible.

Well NG viewers, I hope to hear from you all and when the first page does come out I hope you all enjoy it.

Devil Ate Pie