She looks beautiful. Its due to the fact that I have learn that the size of breasts does not make a woman and I love the elegance in this picture.
She looks beautiful. Its due to the fact that I have learn that the size of breasts does not make a woman and I love the elegance in this picture.
Oh man! That is a hit there. lol
Wow, I do have to say a very excellent job. I could never have that steady of a hand to do a model like this one.
Your shades are the most outstanding.
Thank you! My newer drawings are actually moving away from charcoals and towards wolff carbon pencils. It gives a very different feel. I'll post some soon.
Yes, I remember that song. Happens to be my favorite.
I love your color schemes in the piece, the dark reds brings out the violets in her hair and her build looks preferable. I like it.
Thank you very much. :) Yes, it is a very good song.
beautiful colors!
Especially the hair, they look like roses. : )
My god, this so true.
Due to the fact that the site itself its more like a "play while you wait". You play this populous game where you build your town and stuff and there's a chat box people come in. they'll though bots to see if any perverts takes bait and from there who knows.
To think I once took it as an actual game. haha
This is golden, I have to favorite this.
Excellent graphite work
I remember doing pencil and a bit of inks for figurative drawing class, but we never managed to take enough time to do this kind of shading.
How did you do it or is this done from a photograph?
Its a well balanced composition.
No it was a live model, the difference was that instead of trying to get the entire figure in I decided to just select an area and go at it. It was also a 6 hour pose (with the usual breaks) so I had plenty of time, if it was from a photograph it would be more realized.
Hey, I remember this!
I've seen this in FA, I really love this piece. I loved what you did with the blacks and whites on her.
Say!! I be dat artist.. Important Notice: If you have a problem with me please write it nicely on a piece of paper, put it in an envelope, fold it up and shove it up your ass.
Kenner Bruh, LA
Joined on 5/10/07